Instrument Thistlegate Music

Finely crafted hammered dulcimers
and hammer dulcimer music from North Carolina luthier Lee Spears.
From the top-of-the-line Symphony
Chromatic model to the astoundingly resonant European Light-Weight
model, the Spears hammer dulcimer is guaranteed to have a balance of tone and
volume throughout. Few can make this claim.
With three decades of
instrument-building experience and ingenuity behind it, the Spears hammer
dulcimer is a highly sought-after item. Lee Spears has built more than 2,100
hammer dulcimers over the years, but nowadays he turns out a smaller
number--adding to the mystique. Order Spears CDs from CDBaby or print an
order form
and order via mail.
Special touches--a delicate mahogany
tree standing in the sound hole--
make the hammered dulcimer made by this NC luthier a true collector's item.
A Spears hammer dulcimer is crafted from the
perspective of an expert engineer (he also enjoys dismantling
and rebuilding Volvos) who has the finely-tuned ear of a musician. He also
makes beautiful hammered dulcimer music. See a pic of a dulcimer-in-progress in
Lee's shop or view close-up.
A N orth Carolina luthier,
Lee Spears also makes hammers
that are prized for their impeccable balance and response. They are
two-sided: wood on one side gives the traditional, bright sound and the
leather-trimmed side yields mellow, muted tones.
N C luthier Lee Spears makes hammer
dulcimers and
hammered dulcimer music
Instrument Company
(704) 637-1334